- IMPORT BUG :O Udina is councilor. (Mass Effect 3 - Mass Effect 3.
- Admiral Anderson? (Mass Effect 3 - Mass Effect 3 General.In Mass Effect: Retribution, Captain Anderson resigns from his Citadel position ( Advisor/Councillor)and sets out to pursue Cerberus who took captive an Alliance. Fire up a new game of Mass effect 2. .. But Udina as Councillor has been fixed. .. Anderson should be a squad member in Mass Effect 3 and dual wield.
Purple Lady's photo - Councillor Anderson | BioWare Social Network.
- Don't know what to do about Udina/Anderson for ME3 (Mass Effect.
Squad Mate Udina? - Mass Effect 3 Message Board for Xbox 360.
In between the events of Mass Effect 2 and 3, did Anderson only.
The Decisions of Mass Effect and Their Consequences in Mass.
Tell me of YOUR Commander Shepard (Again!).
- Udina the "true" human councillor? (Mass Effect 3 - Mass Effect.Mass Effect 2. I don't understand the idea of Anderson not being Councillor in ANYONE's games.. masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Talk:Donnel_Udina#Retribution. Anderson was never the type to sit on his. laurels when things needed done. Mass Effect: Retribution alludes to the fact that he was never councillor, the. Mass Effect 2 · Website · Game Patches · Official. I picked Anderson to be on the council and he was in the second game too.. So how come in ME3 its Udena.
- Udena - Councillor? I never picked him. (Mass Effect 3 - Mass.Problems importing me2 saves mass effect 3? I get my level, but I chose Anderson to be the Councillor, now all of a sudden he's an admiral? Mass Effect 3 · Website · Official. Mass Effect 2. Effective immediately we have made a number of changes to the Mass Effect 3 forums and BSN in general. Mass Effect 2. Then again; it's not like Anderson is a really good choice in the end. ... What about the fact Udina is councillor in Inquisition blast off · Leoism. 11. By Mass Effect 2, did Anderson or Udina become a Councillor? Anderson, of course 12. In Mass Effect 2, who died in Morinth's apartment?
councillor anderson mass effect
councillor anderson mass effect